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Some facts about TEN

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©2004 Oliver Wu

Even before the prospect of bankruptcy reform, the NACTT and many chapter 13 Trustees realized the value of debtor education. In 1998, at the suggestion of Trustees experienced in debtor education programs, the NACTT established the Trustees' Education Network or TEN. This non-profit organization is dedicated to providing personal financial management courses to all individuals and families who have filed for protection under Chapter 13 of the Bankruptcy Code of the United States and to educate them as to the administrative and legal issues of this remedy. In the future, TEN hopes to provide the same quality education to ALL those filing for bankruptcy protection, regardless of chapter.

The purposes of TEN

  • To keep education under the control of Chapter 13 Trustees thereby eliminating profit-seeking entities unfamiliar with the needs and concerns of debtors.
  • To serve as liaison between the UST and the Chapter 13 Trustees.
  • To keep Chapter 13 Trustees apprised of changes resulting from the new bankruptcy law especially with regard to the educational provisions.
  • To develop high quality debtor education materials appropriate for diverse class participants and available for prompt delivery.
  • To provide positive, motivating programs at no additional cost to Chapter 13 debtors.
  • To maintain oversight and evaluation procedures thereby ensuring the quality of the educational programs.
  • To facilitate the distribution of information within the TEN membership via an email list service.


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This site was designed by Oliver Wu, a MFA student in Graphic Design, Savannah College of Art and Design